Monday, September 30, 2019

Attitude and Behaviour

It would seem reasonable to argue the existence of a link between attitude and behaviour and to further assume that it is those same attitudes that determine that behaviour. However, there are many variables to consider which may affect the strength of such a link. It is important to distinguish between the influence of different types of attitude (reference), the first type being attitudes towards general entities and the second being attitudes towards more specific ones. This essay will look at how attitudes can be a poor predictor of behaviour on a broad perspective but become effective predictors when looked at in a narrower and more specific way. However, the additional impact of a wide array of other variables undermines the accuracy of the link between attitudes and behaviour and complicates the drawing of clear conclusions. ‘Attitude’ is defined by Eagly and Chaiken in their book The Psychology of Attitudes as ‘a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavour’. reference) In other words, an ‘attitude’ is a judgement or evaluation made about any ‘entity’ which can be assessed along a measurement of favourability. As well as a person’s attitudes differing in positivity, (i. e. some attitudes possessed can be positive, neutral or negative), they also can differ in strength, (i. e. one may feel more strongly about a certain topic than another), and therefore consider it a more important topic. In brief, ‘behaviour’ is the actions of an individual which can be objectively measured. Some may argue that attitudes are a weak predictor of behaviour. In 1969, Wicker, after reviewing studies such as that of Richard LaPiere, concluded that attitudes and behaviour are only slightly, if at all, related. LaPiere, in the 1930s, seemed to suggest very little correlation between attitude and behaviour. LaPiere travelled around America with an Asian couple at a time where anti-Asian prejudice was prevalent. Although concerned that the couple would be refused from many of the hotels along the way, he found that only one out of the 250 hotels did so. After his travels, LaPiere sent a letter to each of the hotels asking whether they would allow Chinese guests. Of all his replies, only one declared they would serve a Chinese guest. This study, and others like it at the time, seemed to suggest very few links between attitude and behaviour. However, there are a number of problems with this study, such as the fact that there is no guarantee that the person who answered the letter is the same person who let the Chinese couple stay. The question in the letter as to whether they would let a Chinese couple in is also too broad a statement as it does not specify if they are a ‘well-dressed Chinese couple accompanied by an American college professor’ (ref). The limits of the success of attitude predicting behaviour can also be seen by the fact that similar attitudes held by different people can lead to different behaviour from those individuals. Indeed, Thurstone wrote; ‘It is quite conceivable that two men may have the same degree or intensity of effect favourable towards a psychological object and that their attitudes would be described in this sense as identical but†¦ that their overt actions would take quite different forms’. ref print out) In other words, one cannot predict an individual’s actions according to his/her attitudes as two different people with the same attitude towards something may act according to that attitude in completely different ways. There are also many other factors which will determine how effective attitude is in predicting behaviour. One such factor is the strength of the attitude which one holds. The stronger one’s attitude, the more likely it is to predict behaviour. This is because if a person holds a very strong positive attitude towards something, they are likely to act positively towards it. However if that person holds another, weaker, attitude towards something, thereby valueing it of less importance, they will be less likely to act according to that attitude. Furthermore, an attitude based on direct experience rather than second hand information will be more effective in predicting behaviour. This was demonstrated in a study by Fazio and Zanna, 1981, whereby participants were asked to solve several puzzles. One the one hand, in the second hand condition, some participants were shown how to solve the puzzles, and on the other, in the direct experience condition, some participants were allowed to work on the puzzles beforehand. Attidude being measured as intrest shown, and behaviour being measured as the order and proportion of the puzzles solved, the test showed a correlation between attitude and behaviour of between . 51 and . 54 in the direct experience condition while only between . 22 and . 20 in the indirect experience condition. (ref printout). It can therefore be seen that attitudes can predict behaviour under some cercumstances, such as those layed out by Fishbein and Ajzen. The extent to which attitude can predict behaviour is also circumstantial to factors such as how one persives the importance of that attitude and what that attitude is based upon. Behaviour is also affected by other factors which may be opposing to the attitude held by an individual. Subjective norms and perceived behaviour controle also influence behaviour. Therefore, when looking at all three together, predicting behaviour may be effective, however, when looking at attitude by itself such predictions may be weak.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hrm About Alibaba

1. Introduction Alibaba Group is the world's outstanding business-to-business e-commerce service company, which provides an efficient online trading platform for buyers and suppliers all over the world. It is China's largest e-commerce group which was founded by Jack Ma in 1999, and has developed into seven affiliated groups, namely Alibaba International Business Operations, Alibaba Small Business Operations, Taobao Marketplace, Tmall. com, Juhuasuan, e-Tao and Alibaba Cloud Computing (News, 2012).Besides, Alibaba Group has more than 24,000 employees in 70 cities which scattered in China, India, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States (News, 2012). This report will focus on analysis for Alibaba Group's human resource management, in order to reply the demand of its future developments. 2. Background to the case study organization Alibaba Group has  taken a hit as a result that a part of its employees were guilty of online fraudulent activities and irresponsible short- term profit.The announcement of the company showed that nearly 100 employees including sales staffs, manager and supervisor, had conspired to the fraud by deliberately helping fake suppliers in China to register with avoiding the company scrutiny and allowing them to defraud oversea buyers on the Alibaba’s international website (Nytimes, 2011). Surprisingly, these allegedly fraudulent online shops account for 1. 1% and 0. 8% of Alibaba’s ‘Gold Suppliers’ signed up during 2009 and 2010 respectively, which has impacted on the company value and produced a shock to mass beliefs (Economist, 2012).Thirteen people were sentenced ranging from eight months to three years in jail after conspiring with suppliers to gain illegally around RMB 500,000 yuan in this online fraud (Nytimes, 2011). 3. Outline of People Management Issues This issue related to the credibility of  Alibaba is directly due to the internal defects in management, the lack of inside supervision an d few controls of the internal culture. Moreover, the deep-rooted reason should be the problems of its human resources management. Lacking of a set of scientific and effective control and management system cannot guarantee the mplementation of building both core value and enterprise culture of Alibaba. Therefore, the outline of this report about the human resource management issue behind the online fraud of Alibaba is as follows. On the one hand, the management and supervision system has problems. Alibaba Group has not supervised the management in the process of dealing with related complaints about fraud happened between 2009 and 2010, even though some suspected online trading accounts had been deleted and specific inquiries of its international market transaction had been conducted since the beginning of the third quarter in 2010.It appears that in this issue managers ignored fraudulent behaviours behind the performance-chasing. However, in the statement said by Mr. Ma, it was not allowed to violate business honest principal or the basic line of company values (BBC, 2012). Although managers in Alibaba Group have to take responsibilities for the consequences, it cannot be denied that the fraud fully exposed that the lack of internal control, especially the supervision and administration of the management, is one of reasons lead to exacerbate the situation.Additionally, the event of online fraud has been doomed from the start to some extent. With the accelerating pace of internationalisation, the number of employees which rapidly increased from 11,700 in 2009 to 24,000 in 2012 has become a significant challenge that threats the development of Alibaba Group (Hua, 2012). However, weak awareness of the human resource control among Alibaba Group’s executives sets the stage for this online fraud scandal in China. On the other hand, the company may not satisfy the physical and emotional need of its employees.Both the greedy desire and the psychological imbala nce are the internal reason behind the problem. 4. Analysis (linked to HRM theory) There is always a kind of psychological motivations behind any subjective action, and the online fraud scandal of the Alibaba Group is no exception. This report will start the analysis from the view of internal motivations and then moving to the external causes. 4. 1 Internal reasons According to the perspective of Abraham Maslow who is well known for the hierarchy of needs theory, the pattern of behaviours based on individual needs (Poston, 2009).The following are psychological requirements which could associate with the fraudulent behaviours of officers at Alibaba in term of the greedy desire, the psychological imbalance and herd mentality. 4. 1. 1 The greedy desire It is difficult to satisfy individual demands because everyone would move to the next more advanced platform of the hierarchical pyramid that Maslow created frequently once the prior need is met, especially in modern society.Meanwhile, w hen setting Maslow’s model into the business to understand the motivation behind employees’ behaviours, it is not amazing to find that there are also have similar five levels of needs which including wages, safety, social belongingness, self-esteem and finally self-actualization. Maslow and Stephens (2000) have posited out that individuals will not spend an inordinate amount of time to think about their salaries if they are fairly paid. After being paid adequate salary, employee seeks safety physically and mentally on the jobs.And then the stage of needs moves to the third level subsequently-seeking social belongingness in the workplace. Although the working environment is always full of stress and difficulties, training provides opportunities for employees to improve themselves and contact with new people which could help them to fit in. Until the employee make themselves comfortable among different working relationship, it will not allowed to access to the hierarchy stage of self-esteem and self-actualization respectively.Unfortunately, after employees have been satisfied with all these five levels of needs, the worldview, philosophy and value view of them will be generally changed in a climate of corruption. With the early success of corrupt deals by heads of the sales department at Alibaba, they would have an addictive sense of satisfaction and accomplishment which lead to those guilty behaviours for greater interest repeat again and again naturally. In Skinnner’s reinforcement theory, Skinner (1984) has drawn attention to the fact that appropriate reinforcement based on public consequence may influence verbal response.It means that individuals would reinforce a kind of behaviour once its consequence benefit to them. Therefore, it makes sense that managers at Alibaba will help to defraud if dynamically taking managers’ greedy desire into consideration. 4. 1. 2 The psychological imbalance Employees of equal position and qualifica tion serviced in the parallel department with the same salary may have  quite different perceptions of the fairness. When they perceives the disparity between the inputs and the outputs,  different responds will be excepted in various ways, including de-motivation, reduced effort, becoming disgruntled and even disruptive.According to the Equity Theory of Adams, an individual will perceive the ratio of inputs to the outcomes depend not only on the absolute value but also in the relative value in order to measure whether himself or herself is treated fairly or not (Adams et al, 1976). This can be illustrated by the following equation: Individual’s outcomes/individual’s own inputs = relational partner’s outcomes/relational partner’s inputs (Adams et al, 1976). Equity is considered when this ratio is equal. While if this ratio is unequal, it leads to ‘equity tension’ which was called the negative tension state by Adam (1976).Meanwhile, it wil l motivate him or her to do something to relieve this tension. Therefore, it is why some leading cadres at Alibaba Group may feel unbalanced and help to defraud which negatively impact on the credibility of the company. With the rapid expansion of international business scale in the development of Alibaba Group, they consider their contribution to the company is greater than the return. As a result, corruption was caused secretly by the combination of selfish desire and power without supervision. 4. 2 External reasons 4. 2. 1 OpportunityThe officers participated in the fraud are almost from a high-powered job position in Alibaba Group and own important resource and privileges in the company. Therefore, it is easy for them to commit a crime with close interest people once they are lured by short-term profits. 4. 2. 2 The lack of control and management system It is not just incorrect psychological requirement or the unsound political system is blamed for breeding corruption, the lack of core value and culture control of the company is one of the significant factors which could not be ignored.The development of supervision before the event, at present and after the event all depends on the growth of the enterprise culture. Thus, if the pre-supervision runs into a problem, it represents the failure in enterprise culture management. There are six core values guide Alibaba Group’s operations and operate its culture, which including customer first, teamwork, embrace change, integrity passion and commitment (News, 1999). However, it is difficult to transform corporate culture into practice to some extent.Meanwhile, with the rapidly increased number of employees in Alibaba Group, the previous culture management has to further improve. Organizational culture diagnoses and cultural audits, for example, can give an accurate picture of an organization’s current management system (Mason, 2012). 5. Critical Reflection on group presentation Because our group has not given the presentation to the class, I could just conclud some limitation about the analysis of this report. Due to the theories of human resource management are not fully understood, the analysis of the case study about the Alibaba Group is not in-depth and incomplete.Moreover, the report has only provided superficial explanations of the issue because of the insufficient knowledge of Alibaba Group and the limitation of those methods linked with. Besides, the recommendations have not taken everything into consideration. They are too abstract and theoretical that are not seen as scientific, feasible suggestions in practice. However, analysing the issue of human resource management in the view of psychology is an innovative point of this report. 6. Recommendations 6. 1 Strengthen job rotation system in the key positionAlibaba Group should strengthen the job rotation system to avoid the corruption, especially in some key positions. According Shalley and Oldham (2004), employees wi ll have job burnout of different extents as well as reduction of creativity after 6 years working in the same position. However, if the company could do the job rotation periodically and provide support to any employees transitioning out of the company, the situation will be changed as it not only prevents managers from increasing spheres of influence, but also gives opportunities to employees to gain experience in their professions. 6. 2 Establish the mechanism of risk managementRisk management of all positions in the internal enterprise is an important part of the management system. Alibaba Group should clear the level of risk in different position and establish an internal regulatory system which includes ‘peer review’ mechanism, department regulatory system, internal audit and external audit mechanisms to ensure mutual supervision avoid unnecessary credit losses. 6. 3 Establish psychological management mechanism It is necessary to give psychological training program me at least once a month for intensifying the efforts of anti-corruption and enhancing the management of core value and culture in Alibaba Group.Besides, relevant department would better assign a special supervisor to investigate the staff on suspicion of corruption. 6. 4 Improve the mechanism of incentives and restrictions Alibaba Group should keep its employees hold the sense of crisis and responsibility and correct the psychological imbalance at the same time, such as using gaming-style leader boards to encourage internal competition or offer appropriate prizes to the most successful one. 6. Improve the standard system of selection and appointment Alibaba Group should try to improve the standard system of selection in order to ensure the person employed has higher organizational commitment. Additionally, it is necessary to introduce different kinds of methods of personal testing and assessment which combine the enterprise culture into the evaluation. References Mason, K. (2012). Informing a new business-to-business relationship: Corporate identity and the emergence of a relationship identity. European Journal of Marketing, 46 (7), p. 684-711. Poston, B. (2009). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.The Surgical Technologist, 8 p. 348-353. Available at: http://www. astd2007. ast. org/publications/Journal%20Archive/2009/8_August_2009/CE. pdf [Accessed: 03 Nov 2012]. ADAMS, J. S. , BERKOWITZ, L. , ; HATFIELD, E. (1976). Equity theory: toward a general theory of social interaction. New York, Academic Press. Bbc. co. uk (2011). BBC News – China arrests 36 for fraud on Alibaba and other sites. [online] Available at: http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-13986308 [Accessed: 1 Nov 2012]. Economist. com (2012). An online-fraud scandal in China: Alibaba and the 2,236 thieves | The Economist. online] Available at: http://www. economist. com/blogs/newsbook/2011/02/online-fraud_scandal_china [Accessed: 05 Nov 2012]. Harpercollins. com (2008). Browse Inside In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies by Thomas J. Peters, Robert H. Waterman, Jr.. [online] Available at: http://www. harpercollins. com/browseinside/index. aspx? isbn13=9780060548780 [Accessed: 09 Nov 2012]. Hua, T. (2012). Alibaba and the 2,236 thieves. Business Management, Iss. 5 p. 12-13. MASLOW, A. H. , & STEPHENS, D. C. (2000). The Maslow business reader. New York, N. Y. , J.Wiley. News. alibaba. com (2012). Alibaba Group. [online] Available at: http://news. alibaba. com/specials/aboutalibaba/aligroup/group_news. html [Accessed: 02 Nov 2012]. News. alibaba. com (1999). Alibaba Group. [online] Available at: http://news. alibaba. com/specials/aboutalibaba/aligroup/culture_values. html [Accessed: 05 Nov 2012]. Nytimes. com (2011). David Wei and Elvis Lee Quit Alibaba Amid Fraud Inquiry – NYTimes. com. [online] Available at: http://www. nytimes. com/2011/02/22/business/global/22alibaba. html [Accessed: 02 Nov 2012]. Shalley, C. and Oldham , G. (2004).Th e Effects of Personal and Contextual Characteristics on Creativity: Where Should We Go from Here? Journal of Management, 30 (6), p. 933-958. Skinner, B. (1981). Selection by consequences. Science, 212 (4507), p. 501-504. Skinner, B. (1984). The operational analysis of psychological terms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7 (4), p. 547-553. Available at: http://web. comhem. se/u68426711/rft/Skinner%201945%20The%20operational%20analysis%20of%20psychological%20terms. pdf [Accessed: 06 Nov 2012]. SUZANNE, B. And STEPHEN, D. (2003). Understanding and motivating health care employees:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Does it Cost to Attend Kenyon College?

Deciding which college to attend comes with plethora of factors to consider, and for many families, college prices doesn’t make this decision any easier. Every year, tuition at four-year institutions rises. College tuition has been increasing almost six percent above the rate of inflation , and is expected to continue doing so. Meanwhile, a college degree is becoming the baseline expectation in the increasingly-competitive job market, and the demand for a college education is greater now than it was one generation ago.   With such high rates of tuition, financial aid becomes more and more important. In the 2015-2016 academic year, 85 percent of undergraduate students received financial aid . Financial aid itself is a multi-faceted creature, and can be a headache to navigate. Kenyon College, home to the prestigious Kenyon Review and a dining hall that bears striking resemblance to Hogwarts’ Great Hall, is a private institution in Gambier, Ohio. The high sticker price, however, is not necessarily easy on the wallet. We’ve compiled this post that covers exactly how you can navigate tuition prices, as well as the different options you have for financing your student’s degree at Kenyon College. If your student is interested, or already admitted—congratulations!—to Kenyon, you’ve probably already visited the college’s Costs and Financial aid page . That’s a good place to start, and will give you a general idea of how much four years at Kenyon might cost. However, it can also be misleading. Costs of attendance for colleges are highly variable. The numbers that you see there are what we call the list prices, and few families actually pay that price. A better number to look for is the net cost , which refers to what families actually pay out of their pockets, after factors like financial aid have been applied. Generally, the elements that will reduce net cost come down to three parts: We’ll look at each of these in detail in this post. Since all financial aid is subtracted from the list price to give the net cost, the list price is where to start in estimating a student’s cost of attendance. In the 2016-2017 academic year, Kenyon College’s list price was $66,670 for both in-state and out-of-state students, since it’s a private institution. Remember that most families don’t pay this price. Who are those who do pay it? In general, it’s the families whose annual household income is greater than $175,000. Even for these families, if the student receives merit aid from the institution, they may not even pay the list price. It’s worthwhile to note that not all colleges offer merit aid, but Kenyon College does. Approximately 47% of Kenyon students receive need-based aid, and 22% receive scholarships. F or the 2016-2017 school year, the average net cost of attendance with need-based financial aid only was $57,328 for both in-state and out-of-state students. The greater your family’s financial need, the more need-based aid a student will qualify for. Here are the average net amounts that families with different incomes pay for Kenyon College. *These numbers do not reflect any Pell Grants that families may receive. Families with an income of $0-30k often receive Federal Pell Grants, which reduce the amount of financial aid that individual institutions need to award. This is why there is a higher tuition rate for families with $0-30k vs. those with $30k-48k. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. What we’ve been talking about so far has been need-based financial aid. In contrast, merit aid is awards granted based on what the college deems to be exceptional performance and potential, usually academic performance, and school or community involvement. It often comes in the form of a scholarship. Merit aid at Kenyon College is relatively generous. Out of a pool of 1000 schools analyzed for merit aid generosity, Kenyon ranks 611th. At Kenyon, 23.1% of students without financial need receive merit aid, with the average amount coming to $3,305 in 2016. The average net price for a student who didn’t qualify for financial aid was $63,365. Often, students still need help financing their college education even with institutional aid and scholarships. This is where student loans come in. Unlike scholarships or grants, loans need to be repaid, often with interest. At Kenyon College, 69% of students take out federal loans, with an average amount of $3,046 per student across their college career. Investing in college is a big decision, especially if your student has loans to pay back, so it’s useful to have an idea of how graduates of a particular school are doing down the line. Kenyon College has a 6-year graduation rate of 90%, which is impressively high when stacked against the 66% average for private nonprofit institutions. The average salary of a Kenyon alum ten years after graduation is $48,700.    Besides the main expenses of tuition and room and board, there are usually other costs to account for when estimating college spending, even if the student is living on-campus for all years of attendance. Gambier, Ohio has an overall cost of living index of 95.6 , which means it’s about 4 percent more affordable to live in Gambier than in the rest of the U.S. in general. If the idea of looking for housing for college gives you a headache, Kenyon College’s housing situation is just right for you. Kenyon is a fully residential college. Students live on-campus for all four years, and have a variety to choose from, from program houses to themed houses. There aren’t many off-campus job opportunities for Kenyon students, since the college itself is the main attraction of the village of Gambier. However, the on-campus employment scene is rich; students can choose from over 1100 job positions filled each year on the Kenyon campus. The minimum wage for on-campus jobs, determined by the minimum state wage, is $8.55 per hour as of 2019.    We’ve covered the main ways in which students can lower than costs of attendance, but the ways to save don’t end at financial aid and loans. There are many merit-based private scholarships available, especially if your student is enrolling in an institution in their home state . The Austin E. Knowlton Scholarship supports a Kenyon student from Ohio with up to $18,000 over four years. One of the most prestigious national scholarships is the National Merit program. Students who take the PSAT are automatically entered for qualification, and the program awards $2,500 to finalists. Take a look at our guide to the National Merit Scholarship program . You can learn more about scholarships on our following posts: Another way to help finance an education at Kenyon is right here at . As a part of our College Applications Program , we help students figure out how to make any school more affordable using our Finances tool, which can show the ROI of different schools and majors and help students identify scholarships to apply for. On average, our students earn about $83,000 in scholarships. Find out if working with our Financial Aid Tools is right for your family! The Applications Program will also pair your student with an admissions specialist who will work with them one-on-one to navigate each step of the college application process, from building a school list to submitting the application.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analysis adolescence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Analysis adolescence - Essay Example My goal in this paper is to analyse adolescence and youth of today as echoed in Hall’s â€Å"sensation-seeking adolescents† several decades ago. The reasons behind the innate aggressive behavior of males and females are examined. Sexual development is discussed to give light to the questions of heightened sexuality during adolescence. I will try to establish the link between sensation-seeking and risk behavior, especially the occurrence of confusions in adolescents. The different aspects of adolescents’ confusions on matters like physical changes, eating habits, and sexuality are viewed. Their desire to build their own identity keeps them at odd with their parents. They feel nobody loves them so they become closer to their friends. But sometimes, they fall victims to wrong companions and they are led to drugs, unreasonable behavior and other forms of vices. Peer pressure and family pressures are also discussed to unravel what’s going on inside an adolescen t’s mind. Another controversial aspect is the analysis of the child’s sexuality. ... Hall’s â€Å"storm and stress† view is examined in three key aspects: conflict with parents, mood disruptions and peer pressures. In all three aspects, evidence supports a modified storm and stress view that takes into account individual differences and cultural disparities. This paper will present research that both supports and critises the inherent nature of adolescents. The analysis of the case is achieved in three main sections. I will begin by giving the meaning of adolescence. ‘Adolescence is the process of changing from a child into an adult’ (Hurrelnan1994). Furthermore, rapid changes in body size and shape are the most obvious signs of approaching adolescence. Both girls and boys grow swiftly in height. ‘The arm and leg bones lengthen, and the chin and jaws develop so the face takes on a more mature look’ (Rice 1986). Finally, Hall’s observation of adolescence as a period of storm and stress is investigated before concluding. I t is during adolescence that young people mature physically, becomes responsible and start to face the world on their own. ‘It usually begins at the age of 11 and 14, and continues six to ten years’ (Allen 1993). Physical changes are evident in their bodies. ‘The girl’s body becomes more rounded and soft, her hips broaden and her breasts start to develop. Her voice deepens and pubic hair starts to grow. On the other hand, the boy’s body becomes firmer and angular, his voice deepens, his shoulder broadens and hair develops in his body and feet. Sex glands mature in both sexes’ (Santrock 1987). These changes begin before puberty and differ from one person to another. ‘In both sexes, the reproductive organs gradually reach their adult sizes and functions during the first two-thirds of adolescence.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bullying laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bullying laws - Research Paper Example During the process of stopping bullying, there are three major elements to the process: imposing high penalties for the bullying, educating the bullies and protecting the victims of bullying (San Antonio and Salzfass 32-38). Among the different courses that are likely to eliminate bullying, educating bullies can help eliminate the issue, because many of them may not be aware of how much damage, they cause by bullying their victims. The second is to punish them heavily, and this one will help in curbing bullying, because it will make the bullies stop the bullying, due to the fear of the penalties. The third channel of addressing the issue is through working with the victims of the bullying, where they are reminded of their worth and the need to be assertive to the bullies, without really being aggressive (McCallion and Feder 2). However, for these different solution channels to work, there is need to have a proper policy and legal framework defining what amounts to bullying, defining the penalties to be borne by bullies and to offer platforms for addressing the issue of bullying. ... The 2010 statistics, further, report that there has been an increment in cyber bullying levels, where the cyber space is offering a new and more concealable channel for bullying (Bullying Statistics 1). The problem is very common among children and teens, although cyber bullying is the most prevalent channel used during school hours and after school. The increased uptake of social networking services has also offered an entirely new environment for bullies to exercise their authority above their victims, where approximately 2.7 million studies are bullied by an estimated 2.1 million bullies, every year (Hinduja and Patchin 4). Due to the evidence of the wide occurrence of bullying, which can take place among peers, propagated by young on the aged or by older people on younger victims; it becomes clear that there is a need to have laws to address the issue. For example, there are documented cases where teachers have been bullying their students, where such cases warrant legal action ( Bullying Statistics (b) 1). These bullying laws will be aimed at preventing bullying, or addressing it after it takes place. Presently, the dominant laws covering this issue are state laws, but the inefficiencies of these in stopping bullying depict the need to develop national laws addressing the issue (Bullying Statistics (b) 1). Further, many of the laws against bullying are aimed at school audience, and many do not criminalize the practice of bullying. For that reason, situations of bullying are handled at the school and home level, and not allowed to proceed to the courts. For that reason, this paper takes the stand that there is a need to criminalize

Kew gardens by virginia woold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kew gardens by virginia woold - Essay Example Impressionism considers the commonplace, and the snail in Kew Gardens is any day commonplace; so are the leaves and the pebbles, flowers and butterflies. Both the movements advocate powerful exercises in bold bright colours. Kew Gardens records strong intermittent flashes of colours by way of its beautiful images. Impressionistic works perceive movement as an immediate result of human experience. Woolf was keen on exploring the theme of movement in the natural and human world; especially in the human psyche. The inspired art work manifests this flurry of movements: the falling leaves, flitting butterflies, hesitant snail and the centric human torso that persists as a burrow of all-flowing thoughts, words, voices. The obscured human image in deliberate unfriendly black and brown, which on closer look is an optical illusion image, represents Woolf’s multiple characters and their tunnel of thoughts going berserk at various angles. It brings out the poignant isolation against the backdrop of the ravages of the Great War. Considering the image to be a female, it signifies the loneliness/widowhood a lot of women had to undergo following the war. If not, the image assumes the psyche of an alienated mind which is so palpably represented by all the characters, especially the senile man, William, Simon and the ponderous maid. The human profile also delineates the theme of introspection. The snail that is prominently depicted in the canvas is not a symbol of lethargy and despair. Rather it reflects a sense of purpose and optimism. The art work successfully encapsulates this idea by catching its profile in mid air, looking up and deciding. The display of reflections in natural light is a downright characteristic portrayed well in that-era work. The art work has successfully captured the shimmer of reflected light in hues of the red, blue and yellow petals that stud the corner crust of the canvas. Post-impressionistic genre believed in retaining the basic shapes and geometrical patterns as shown by the art work. There are heart- and tongue-shaped leaves, and the pebbles, butterflies, snail are depicted in clean sharp strokes. THE SHORT STORY Linear narrative takes a back foot in Virginia Woolf’s writing and she generously employs stream of consciousness and interior monologue to build up her story. Kew Gardens is set against the backdrop of an estranged world produced by the war and industrialisation. The reader has to plumb for the social context in which Woolf chose Kew Gardens. The garden was beautified by successive directors to reveal a Victorian glory. However, the war dealt a severe blow where the garden space was cultivated to cater to the food shortage. Its image was affected and modernist writers like Woolf couldn’t help sourcing this fractured view in their writing. Woolf offers us a splendid ironical treatment by choosing the setting of Kew Gardens-a place where people come for respite and recuperation. She emphasises geometrical patterns and deflected light. Thus the garden becomes an ironic symbol where human drama is rejected and the manufactured natural space becomes a walking ground for alienation and restive existence. The companionship of each pair is ironic too. They’re with each other but actually walk the ground alone. The old man may be the conventional spectacle of senility but we find that one in each pair at varying points of time

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Age discrimination and its effect on the over 30s in todays workplace Research Paper

Age discrimination and its effect on the over 30s in todays workplace - Research Paper Example Age discrimination is all about taking the focus from job competency as reflected in the skill levels and placing it on the individual’s calendar age. Most people tend to view age discrimination as an aspect that relates to older employees but the fact is that ageism involves young employees too. This is for the reason that there are age restrictions that are illegal and their sole intention is to bar young people with proper educational credentials simply because the employer thinks that the credentials will hinder them from performing their duties as expected (Macnicol 3). Pension reforms were ushered in with the advent of industrialization. Social security in form of specified pension amounts lured older employees into retirement as the schemes had financial benefits. However, after the Second World War, the professional arena experienced a change that saw the entry of the younger generation and modern technology into the workplace (Sargeant 27). â€Å"Discrimination exist s in the minds of those that believe they have the right to exercise abusive authority and control over the powerless, the poor and the oppressed† (Hullet 28). This was the genesis of age discrimination as employers started viewing the ‘old’ employees as a professional burden that lacked the required technical know-how, conservative in their style of work, and above all lacked the zeal to work (Macnicol, 14). Nonetheless, there were those employers who stuck with the ‘old guard’ as they felt that the young were immature and inexperienced to enhance their productivity. Another fact that led to the cropping up of age discrimination was the low output achieved by older employees as they were incapable of keeping abreast with the new technology. Even so, their pay was high and they could not be fired because they had a lifetime employment policy. This made employer to review their policies in favor of the young thereby creating age discrimination. General ly, it can be said that age discrimination affects all age groups. Companies, on the other hand, view hiring young people as expensive as they will require further training and close supervision. They also have reservation on hiring old people because they tend to think that they will not get value for their money as older people will work for a short time before retiring and they are expected to pay out their retirement benefit. Age discrimination on a global scale and the USA Age discrimination is a worldwide phenomenon that affects every society in the world. However, this review will look at the European Union and the United States. â€Å"There is ample evidence that discrimination takes place in the EU† (Macnicol 45). Every standpoint has its own definition of old age, for example, in the statistical aspect old age is considered 60 to 65 years of age as pertaining to retirement or social program entry eligibility (Grobe 12). The European commission ranges old from 55 to 65 years of age. However, a 40 year old is defined as an old worker in the United States of America. Even though the current economic crises mostly affected the young people in Germany, there was also

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comment - Essay Example As we naturally breathe in and out to live, the animals hunt prey to survive. Natural law may not be clearly defined by boundaries and concrete concepts, however, it does exist. As human beings, we have the natural right to defend ourselves and our property; these are rights which exist with or without the state granting said rights. Natural law is a method of behavior; just as man naturally manifests certain behavior, so do the animals. â€Å"We must know nature in order to follow nature’s law: the universal law is the law of nature†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Crowe, 31). There is no quick and easy way to identify and recognize the mandates of natural law, but in knowing the natural and universal laws, it is possible to understand the principles that govern natural law. Natural law should play a vital role in society. It should help determine the rights we naturally have and the same rights we should recognize in others. According to Covey (p. 129), natural laws may be applied to different issues in society. These issues include educational, social, and political reform. By letting our lives and decisions be governed by our natural laws, â€Å"it is possible for our deep, inward sense of knowing-our own moral or ethical sense of natural laws or principles to-become changed, subordinated, even eclipsed by traditions or by repeated violation of one’s own conscience† (Covey, 130). In recognizing and following natural laws, members of society can live in harmony with each other, without being told by a specific law or mandate what to do and what not to do. Natural law should also help dictate the laws to be passed by our legislators. Our customs and traditions cannot be the only source of legislation. When something has been established a s acceptable practice through repeated usage, it does not mean that it should automatically be passed as a law. Customs and traditions can be immoral or against the natural laws of man and still be deemed as lawful.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research on ''Job stress'' and statistical analysis Paper

On ''Job stress'' and statistical analysis - Research Paper Example The finding revealed that a significant negative impact of Job 'Job stress'' and statistical analysiss satisfaction on the level of stress. A significant negative impact between the employment status and the job stress is also realized. Introduction Workplace life plays a vital role in an individuals’ social life. The dynamic nature of the work environment has forced people to engage in job related task leading to avandornment of the social life. The unsatisfactiry state of employees makes them to concentrate on aspect or tasks that will result to improvement of their output. On the other hand, the status of employment also pushes people to strain and get stress. For instance, individuals with greater levels of job stress may be unsatisfied with the kind of work he or she does and hence leadss to unhappiness at work place. Such issues triggers burned outs or frustration when such an individual encounter a snmall challenge. Such inccident impacts negatively on the organizations output leading to low profits. The goal of theis research id to find out individuals factors that implacts on the oevrall performace and one’s job satisfaction. The most appropriate group to interview is the workers in the teaching fields are they the most affected. Previsous studies showed that the gender of an employee contributes a lot to the level of stress that one gets at work place. Other factors such as job satisfaction also influence the empployees overall performance. Since most organization is striving to increase its employees’output, the employees tend to struggle to satisfy the company’s needs. The level of stress that an individual has depends greatly on the factors that cause it. Beehr and Newman (2012) define stress as a situation that compels an individual to stray from the normal state as a result of disturbed physiological condition. From this definition, it is crucial for us to emphasise on stress management at work place. It is found out t hat the state of most individuals in the teaching fraternity is innfluenced by demographic factors. Job related stress within workers is mostly affected by role management in the organization. The management of role in the organization can be a key factor which instills stress on workers. Role stress in this context refers to any organizational undertakin that has detrimental effects on the employee. There are roles of the management that stand out to conflict to the wishes of the employees (Beehr 2011). Work and family are disjoint; therefore the family status on an individual can greatly affect the workers’job life. The situation is two-way traffic; where the family life is the source of stress that manifest at work place or the job life being the source of stress that will be spilled to the family life. Connection between job satisfaction and job stress Many researchers have tried to find out the connection between job satisfaction and stress. Job stress and job satisfctio n are two critical aspects given concentration in the HRM research projects. Stamps & Piedmonte (2010), argued that a significatn connection between job stress and job satisfaction. Another reserch by Cooper, et al (2011) also revealized that the root cause of job stress is job disatisfaction. In addition, Fletcher (2010) found out that soneone can be stressed because he or she is not satisfied with the kind of work he does. Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Meaning of life Essay Example for Free

Meaning of life Essay â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. † –Nelson Mandela The importance of learning is to enable the individual to put his potentials to optimal use. Education makes man a right thinker and a correct decision-maker. It achieves this by bringing him knowledge from the external world, teaching him to reason and acquainting him with past history, so that he can be a better judge of the present. With education, he finds himself in a room with all its windows open to the outside world. A well educated man is a more dependable worker, a better citizen, a centre of wholesome influence, pride to his community and honour to his country. A nation is great only in proportion of its advancement in education. Education is Self Empowerment. Receiving a good education makes a person strong enough to look after himself in any given situation. It keeps him aware of the given surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society. Its only through knowledge that one can question authority for its negligence or discrepancies and only then that can a person avail his rights as a citizen and seek improvement in the structural functioning of governance and economy. As a whole, people can bring about development only when they know where improvement is necessary for the greater good of mankind. Education gives a better understanding to the person, it helps realize potential and qualities one possesses as a human being. It helps tap into latent talent, so that people can sharpen their skills. Education teaches what man lives and struggles for. It cultivates an integrated life. By so doing, it gives significance of life. It helps restores financial stability and dignity of life. It is the essential basis of a good life. Education enlightens and lifts a nation to heights of progress. The problem in India is that it has adopted democracy without preparing the ground for it by educating population. But its never too late to undertake mass programmes of Adult education or Social education. Adult education is the education of grown up men and women. In the complex modern times, people must be knowledgeable and be aware of what they are doing and what is being done to them. To create such sentience every responsible citizen should take up this social cause and educate the knowledge deprived people. Teaching a daily worker for just an hour daily can change their lives in propitious ways as it was rightly quoted by Neil Armstrong, ‘One small step is a giant leap for mankind’. In recent history our country has taken up good measures to ensure a high educated population by taking up several social causes and concentrating on the rural areas, since they comprise a majority but the system has been laid back due the restraints imposed by old cultural ethics. For the past few centuries in India, the girl has been completely neglected even as a human being, her sole purpose of life has been to feed the family and bear a child. Good education has been denied to women. It is argued that women have their domestic duties to perform and that, if they were educated, they would bury themselves in their books and have little time for attending to the management of their households. But what people fail to understand is education involves knowledge of the means by which health may be preserved and enable a mother to consult such modern books as will tell her how to rear up her children into healthy men and women and skilfully nurse them and her husband, when disease attacks her household. The purpose of education is not just earning a livelihood but education makes an individual into a good human being, which is passed on to the next the kith and kin. It is true that, the education of girls has lately taken a slight leap but this is only in a very small segment of Indian society. Unless the motion is fast and continuous, and includes more of poor urban and rural girls in the field of education, there can be no hope of having a developed and first world country status for India. â€Å"When a man is educated, only he is educated but, when a woman is educated, a family is educated. † – Indira Gandhi â€Å"Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farworkers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another. † – Nelson Mandela.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Communication Tools for Apple

Marketing Communication Tools for Apple In the past two decates it become a common practice for companies to spend millions and billions of money in advertisement (see Table 1, due to lack of any further evidence the numbers should be taken under suspicion). Most of us think that they spent all this money just to make us buy more and more but is not only that. Their ultimate goal is to make as aware of their presence, they want to gain more and more market share and they also use various methods and ways to attract new customers that they have not yet consider them as an option. In order to do that they have to use some tools and means. These tools are known as Marketing Communication Tools and they consist from five principles -also known as marketing communication mix- advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker, Brennan, 2009, p398). Not all of the tools are been used from the companies, some of them are used less some of them more. This is dependable on the strategy the company wants to follow, at this assignment I will try to critically assess and evaluate two key marketing communication tools that Apple Inc. uses. Apple Inc. founded in 1976 and is one the largest corporation across the world that designs computers, electronics and computer software. It became known by been one of the first companies to mass produce and sell Personal Computers, in 1976 Apple 1 and in 1977 Apple II. Since then they become one of the leading companies both in innovation and sales this is the reason why I choose this particular brand in my assignment. One of the most common marketing tools used by Apple Inc. is direct marketing and as Chris Fill (2005, 4th) defines the companies level in his book Apple Inc. is a type four hybrid company. This means that they see direct marketing as brand vehicle and use direct marketing to exploit market space opportunities (Chris Fill 2005, 4th, p.738). The main tool they use for their strategy is the internet and web-mail since the evolution of technology helps direct marketing to prosper and grow. Apple Inc. exploited that by using huge storage databases to keep track of their customers data and preferences. Their main goal is to build a strong and long-term relationship with their customers by forming a community and to define the word I used I mean dedicated customers that follow Apple Inc. products blindly. This growing community is the power of company; it consisted by dedicated customers that are tied to the company mainly for sentimental reasons slowing rising as a cult. Even if the products sometimes do not meet their expectations or the products are left to die from the company they still follow them as a cult current slowly rising. As an example we can relate to that cult is the Abandoned Apple Newton Brand Community as explained at Albert M. Muniz Jr and Hope Jensen Schau research Religiosity in the Abandoned Apple Newton Brand Community published in the Journal of Consumer Research mentioning how customers off different brands turn their favorite brands into a religion and giving the products supernatural and magical motifs because they believe they are consisted from some kind of magic and will survive through time and at some point they even might rise again like the phoenix from the ashes. From a consumer point of view their strategy is not as effective as it could be; mainly because direct marketing should be more about feedback and customer profile based. From that prospective they should focus more on how they can use effectively their recourses to be more customer-friendly and diverse, they need to give you the opportunity to feedback and give your own advices, after all this are a way of saying to the customer that you care about his opinion and the customer feel that they contribute to their favorite brand. In 2001 Apple Inc. decided to add one more communication tool missing so far from their arsenal, as a result from that they launched their very own retail stores aiming to get higher market share and to bring joy to millions of dedicated customers around the globe. At this moment Apple Inc. counts 324 stores around the world, their philosophy is simple, they want customers to be able to found everything around their technology in one store. The goal is simple, the company tries to be more diverse more interactive and more two-way communication with their customers, this is what personal selling is all about this is what they aimed at. They want existing customers to interact with new customers and sales personnel to interact with both of them. This is the way they make their bond with the dedicated customers even stronger, due to human interaction and tow-way communication the customers do not only attach to the brand but they evolve a special relationship with the personnel that serves them in a way that the selling personnel influence the buying decision of the customer and the customer has someone that knows what his needs and wants are. Personal selling is a great way to learn about what your customers think for your brand, because is a two-way communication and the feedback is faster than from the one you have with research or direct marketing. Is more specific, more consumer-oriented and more flexible than other communication tools but not without a cost. The main weakness is the high cost, the cost for each contact is very high and thus less time consuming methods should be introduced and used for each customer from the sales manager, as an example Germanos ( the pioneers in phone selling in Greece) has evolved a very effective and less time consuming model of personal selling, it is called the 5 minutes rule in which each sales personnel has 5 minutes to identify the customer, identify their needs, propose, take him to the counter and closure. Additionally there is always the possibility of misunderstanding due to the human factor involved in the whole process although human factor is a n important part of this process is also the one part that sometimes causes most of the problems the reasons may vary from cultural and religion beliefs to differences in the social status. As a conclusion after doing research for the strategy that Apple Inc. uses we came across equivocal results, despite Apple Inc. market share status (one of the pioneers at their market) and their total revenue their main goal is their loyal customers, perhaps giving more attention on building stronger and life-lasting relationships with their existing customers than introducing the company to new customers. We cannot get a clear conclusion if their strategy is either bad or good, the only thing we can assume is that what they do, they do it to keep the brand image at a level to justify that their brand is for the few and not for the many. Bottom line despite their strategy or their agenda we need to respect Apple Inc. but always have in mind that we need to be critical and analyze everything to see the hidden truth and what is going on behind the scenes. At the end I want to include a part of an interview given in the September of 2010 from the founder of Accer Inc. , Stan Shih, Apple has to be respected. He said that the company and CEO has always been using a different strategy in the computer industry. According to Shih, Apple is looking for revolution, while other PC brands are evolving naturally.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of The Inquisitors Argument in Dostoevskys The Brothers Kara

Analysis of The Inquisitor's Argument in The Brothers Karamazov      Ã‚   Dostoevsky makes a strong case against Jesus in "The Grand Inquisitor": Jesus did not love humanity sufficiently to care for the greater good of the race.    The majority of people, according to the Grand Inquisitor, are weak and "like sheep." Jesus prized freedom of faith above all else, and because he cared more for that freedom than for the happiness of people, the Grand Inquisitor and the Catholic Church, as led by he Inquisitor, reject Jesus. Only the strong, like the Inquisitor, who can "go the forty days and nights in the desert," are capable of attaining the reward of Heaven, while the weak millions, "who are weak but still love Thee... must exist for the sake of the strong." The Inquisitor states that the reason the weak cannot take the narrow road to Heaven is that they are afraid of freedom, that "they can never be free." Trent Reznor of the musical group Nine Inch Nails summarized the Inquisitor's view of humanity in "Happiness In Slavery." In the second verse, Reznor sings, "Slave screams! But he's glad to be chained to that wall!"    The central argument that the Grand Inquisitor makes involves the temptation of Jesus by the Devil in a desert. Satan poses Jesus three temptations, each of which would better the earthly lot of man but decrease his freedom, and Jesus rejects each. First, Satan says, "You must be hungry, turn these stones into bread and feed yourself and the people." Jesus says, "Man does not live by earthly bread alone." Jesus was not just refusing to assuage his hunger: by performing a miracle, he would have lessened man's freedom of faith. Satan was asking the same question, on the behalf of humanity, that Jame... ...e harmful than any vice ("sin") is "active pity for all the failures and all the weak: Christianity."    An interesting test of the Inquisitor's view of freedom will come on this next election day. Our state senator, and many other people, claim that "we need more restrictive laws help fight crime in our neighborhoods" and that new laws will "assist our law enforcement officials... in their efforts to control the pornography industry." I don't intend to argue the pros or cons of more restrictive pornography laws, but one thing is certain: these laws will limit American’s freedom of speech. Will American’s give up some freedom for a possible payoff in lower crime?   I think Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor would be interested in finding out.    References Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Brothers Karamazov. Trans. Andrew MacAndrew. New York: Bantam, 1981.   

Where I Work :: essays research papers

Where I WORK (Case #1) The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was established as a place for people to buy or sell stocks. It was started in May of 1792 underneath a buttonwood tree on Wall Street. The expansion of the ideas and dreams of the 24 men is the reason why I have a job today. I would like to share with you the inside of the NYSE from an employee’s point of view. At the NYSE there is a division called Securities Industries Automation Corporation (SIAC), I am an online lead operator. I am responsible for the monitoring, troubleshooting, and resolving of online issues pertaining to the many host system (other computers) that interact with the New York Stock Exchange. I work in the Switching and Order Processing section, whose sole purpose is to maintain zero (0) down time for all of the equipment of the exchange. By this I mean making sure all the computers, printers, handheld devices, overhead screens, etc. are all connected to its proper ports and they are up and functioning properly. In addition to that the department has to keep track of all the orders that are handled through the exchange and check the orders integrity as governed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The NYSE must also meet the operational requirements of the member firm (the companies that trade on the NYSE floor). The organizational culture of my company is set by the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Due to the SEC’s constraints it is difficult to change the culture. According to the 7 dimensions of organizational culture I would rate my company as such: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Innovation and Risk Taking – (rating 1) Due to the restraints and standards set by the SEC there is little room for this. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attention to Detail – (rating 5) This is the platform on which the organization is structured. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Outcome Orientation – (rating 5) the organization is â€Å"Procedure Driven† but the wrong outcome could affect the entire investment community. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People Orientation – (rating 2) Due to the rules and compliances. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Team Orientation – (rating 5) This is a very important dimension of the organization. For a project to succeed it needs the contribution of different resources. 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aggressiveness – (rating 3) As in most organization there is a need to climb the corporate ladder. 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stability – (rating 5) Because of the ever-increasing demands of the many customers. As an employee of the New York Stock Exchange for over 13 years, I have observed much of the organization’s culture.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Did you know that the levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere are almost 50ppm (parts per million) more than what they should be? Organizations such as 350 try to fix this, but can they do it all on their own? Carbon dioxide is one of the many greenhouse gases that controls how Earth’s temperature rises by absorbing solar radiation and allows life on Earth to exist. Carbon dioxide might appear as beneficial, but right now it is the leading cause of global warming. The process in which decreasing the amounts of carbon dioxide in the air includes geoengineering which means, purposely changing the environmental processes to affect Earth’s climate. Some examples of geoengineering at its finest are enhanced weathering, ocean fertilization, and carbon dioxide scrubbers (also called CO2 scrubbers). The first way to reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is to use enhanced weathering. When certain types of minerals dissolve in rainwater, carbon dioxide is taken from the air. We can use enhanced weathering by digging up other rocks that are able to covalently bond with carbon dioxide by storing it in the soil or ocean such as calcite (CaCO3) and forsterite (Mg2SiO4). In the chemical compounds for calcite and forsterite, there are the elements calcium and magnesium. That contributes to enhanced weathering because for every molecule of calcium or magnesium taken away by these compounds, one molecule of carbon dioxide is removed. Another way of executing enhanced weathering would be carbonate looping. Carbonate looping is the process of converting calcium carbonate into calcium oxide. To do this, you would take rocks that contain calcium carbonate and expose them to CO2, so that those rocks would react by storing the carbon dioxid... ...dioxide scrubber in action is created by a team of American scientists led by Klaus Lackner. Basically, the machine contains an ion exchange resin which the CO2 sticks to, while the clean air is released. They claim that it can suck in one ton of carbon dioxide in a day. It has not been made available yet, but is thought of to be an economic solution to making carbon dioxide scrubbers. In conclusion, we can decrease the levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere by using the geoengineering processes of enhanced weathering, ocean fertilization, and using CO2 scrubbers. If we do not acknowledge the fact that levels of greenhouses gases like carbon dioxide and methane are higher than they need to be, global warming has the potential of damaging the Earth and possibly us. We all have the chance to save the world from global warming. Will you take that opportunity?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Havmor Limited India Essay

INTRODUCTION TO HAVMOR ICE-CREAM PVT. LTD. Havmor Food Pvt. Ltd. is the industry where different flavors of ice-cream are prepared. Havmor Industries is the firm chiefly leading with processing of Ice-cream. But also makes other products. Havmor Industries is one of the famous Ice-cream producing companies in Gujarat. As today Ice-cream market has been more competitive due to many new entries in the fields but Havmor is still holding its position and command in the Ice-cream market. BACKGOUND AND HISTORY OF HAVMOR ICE-CREAM Havmor ice-cream began its branded life in 1944 in Karachi in undivided India. But by 1947 it became a popular brand. But in 1947, in the time of the partition, its founder Satish Chona had to join the exodus to India, with virtually no movable Assets. Searching for a new turf, he tired out Dehra Dun and Indore and finally settled down in Ahnmedabad. In India he had to again begin his work from the start. He started selling ice-cream at the Ahmedabad Railway Station. The founder began the brand named Havmor, their slogan was â€Å"Achai, Sachai, Safai† Today, Havmor ice-cream is a delicious facet of Western India’s daily life, and part of its market move. It reaches hundreds of thousands of consumer through 8 main outlets and 3800 plus dealers. Pradeep Chona, Son of Satish Chona, today heads the Havmor conglomerate. He has continued his father is quality obsession and streak of innovation. Pradeep Chona set off a series of changes in Havmor – in technology, in quality and hygiene standards in management in HRD and in the overall corporate environment. This re-engineering was completed by capacity expansions and a flourry of promotional activities, to maintain the company’s market presence in act in competitive firms.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Leslie Annexstein & Eileen Ordover Essay

The issue of equity is one that remains and will continue to be relevant to organization managers. This has been particular challenging in industries that have been associated with particular genders, cultures or demographics which has increased the factors affecting individual performance and participation in organizations (Reeve, 2005). As shown in the article for the study, the issue has shown a great sensitivity to developing issues while at the same remains as an effective benchmark of changes in social perspectives. The sentiment expressed highlights not only the role of management in equal employment opportunities. Leslie Annexstein, Eileen Ordover, Levon Esters, Blannie Bowen and Edward Reeve are given credit in particularly for their efforts in the empowerment of women, the disabled as well as bridging social disparities. However, there is also acknowledgement that even with such advancement in research, legislation and social policies, equalitarian ideals are still far from being realized. It is troubling to think that despite legislation and popular acknowledgement of the need and value of diversity and equal opportunity that such disparities would persist. Therefore, the challenge is one that has to be taken up not only in the interest of social responsibility but as a means of ensuring one’s own welfare in the future (pp. 5-6). How can there be real sensitivity for diversity, in particular for language, cultural and social differences? Are current standards and measures able to accommodate for developing needs? What is the long term consequence of the inability to address issues? How the issues impact individual members of society? Reference Reeve, Johnmarshall (2005). Understanding Motivation and Emotion. New York: John Wiley & SonsMook, D. G.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cooper Pharmaceuticals Inc. Essay

Bob Marsh He was initially rated as a highly sincere, aggressive, enthusiastic fast learner and his references were outstanding. ï‚ § He had been working in the retail pharmacy before joining CPI ï‚ § For assessing CPI’s move of letting Bob Marsh go, we need to identify the reasons for this action and determine if those reasons can be justified. ï‚ § John Meredith had rated Bob Marsh’s performance as â€Å"Below Standard†Ã‚   Marsh wasn’t responsive to management directives ï‚ § He had a tendency to pre-judge customers and promotional programs ï‚ § Bill Couch (highly experienced supervisor who was held in high regard) rated Marsh as a well above average detailer and had also assigned him an additional responsibility of overseeing a distributor ï‚ § Jim Rathbun who was a young energetic manager expressed his concern in Marsh’s inability in introducing new products to physicians, his poor penetration with dentists among other issues. He put Marsh on a 90 day probation where he was given specific goals to achieve failing which his service would be terminated ï‚ § By 1990, his then manager Ted Franklin asked him to improve upon all the qualities that he was once hired for The reason why Bob Marsh could deliver consistent results and build such rapport despite being an organizational misfit has to be studied to know if the mistake was on the part of CPI of Bob. Marsh was operating in his home territory and very clearly he had built a very personal rapport with his customers. He was already a pharmacist and must have leveraged on his existing contacts so much so that irate customers called for him to the company. He was following a self imposed system of â€Å"Sales matter, so let me get it howsoever† rule, which cannot be accepted by a company like CPI whose sales force is held in high repute. The highly reputed sales force essentially implies a strong process of recruitment, training and incentives. Bob Marsh might have been leveraging on personal contacts to meet his targets regularly. Therefore, managers who valued outcome more found him more agreeable than those who valued behavior more. In fact he seems to have enough clout to get doctors and pharmacists to write to CPI and complain about his dismissal, even trying to arm-twist the company.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Computer technology: Friend or Foe? Essay

As we are living in a digital world, computer technology has become a huge part of human life. We use computers in almost every situation to study, to work or to relax. Despite the useful helps from computer technology, it also has some negative effects on people. The effects of computer technology in daily life are to make people lazier, to affect the personalities of children and on their education, and to cause health problems. Computers are useful tools that make people lazier. Since people are working with technology every day, they are relying more on their computers. They depend on the technology in every work even in a simple calculation. By that way, they use their brain less, they don’t have to think and study more and develop themselves only because they have computers to help them. Next, people are lazier to talk with others face-to-face. They use e-mail instead. As a result, they find it hard to express their feelings when they talk with others in person. Computers can have massive effects on the personalities of children and on their education. In modern life, computers are so popular that even young kids know how to use them. As a consequence, children become addicted to computers at very young ages. They spend too much time playing on computers instead of doing their homework or playing sports with other kids. Moreover, parents cannot control what their children do with their computers. There are some bad programs or websites that are not suitable for kids. Lastly, children don’t use their imaginations because computers have offered them the whole virtual world. Therefore, they cannot create picture in their own minds and that limit their creativity. Using computers also causes health problems. The more people spend time with computer the less time they have for exercises. In fact, some people prefer surfing the internet more than playing sports. In addition, more people have to deal with illness such as obesity and eye problems because they use computers without discipline. Many people suffer problems related to sitting  incorrectly, or for too long in front of their computers. Headaches, back pains and sleeping disorders are the main problems. These health problems by using computers incorrectly can lead to a person `s poor attention, they cannot concentrate on their work that they may cause accident to themselves or others. In conclusion, it is good to know some effects of computers on our life style, our health and our children `s behaviors to avoid. Nowadays, computers play an important role in life. Computer is essential by the ways we using it. The computers become a most significant priority in every house. People use c omputers in different type of work but using it in a right way is also important. A computer may help us in some parts of life and it also has some negative effects. We should consider using computers effectively and not rely on them too much.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Corporate performance, abnormal profits and sectoral differences Essay

Corporate performance, abnormal profits and sectoral differences - Essay Example Whereas some people consider the quantity of firms assets as an indicator of its performance, economists use different approaches such the efficiency in which firm or industry utilize its resources to generate income. Firms operating in the same industry exhibit dissimilar performance while even firms operating under different industries have depicted similar performance trends (Rumelt, 1991, p.179). Therefore, it is not clear as to what exactly determines performance of the firms since some people thinks that directors of the company and the environmental conditions play a significant role in firm performance. One of the key determinants of firm’s performance is the level of resource endowment. Firms are endowed with different resources and this could result to improved performance of the company regardless of the industry in which it operates (Rosenzweig, 2007, p.11). Firms with large resource base enjoy economies of scale to due to large scale production. Therefore, those f irms are able to offer their products at a reduced price compared to their competitors who may be experiencing diseconomies of production. Furthermore such firms are able to use most efficient techniques in their operations as a result of intensive research and innovations. Another determinant of the performance of company is its market position. Firms which have differentiated products are able to enjoy significant market returns by influencing prices of the products as the market leaders. Customer loyalty to specific brand may result to some companies performing better than others in the same industry (Lecture 4, 2012). The market leaders usually set prices for the commodities while others just follow the decisions of the market leaders. Therefore, if firms are operating in an industry with differentiated products, then their performance will vary significantly depending on their position in the market in terms of market share. Some people use total assets as a measure of performa nce of the company hence, companies with vast resources are considered most successful. However, in Rumelt (1991, p.181) comparing economic profits of different firms operating in the same industry has shown that different firms with large resource base are not necessarily the best performing. Even firms with fewer resources have exhibited higher profit ratios to resources used. Economic profits in relation to resource used to generate the profit can better provide a comparison of performances of different firms across the industries (McGahan, and Porter, 1997, p.27). Regardless of the industry in the firm is operating, the level of their performances can be determined in relation to how much benefits can be obtained from the capital employed. The firm managers make probabilistic decisions. For example, the production activities are all based on the prediction of the market. However, in reality things changes and what was anticipated may never come to pass. Therefore, the performanc e of firm will depend on extent in which the predicted events match with real occurrences (Lecture 4, 2012). Sometimes, the managers have no control over the events that occur hence they influence much the performance of the firm. According to Hawawini, Subramanian and Verdin (2001, p.30), the Industry in which a firm belongs affects the overall performance of a company. Some industries are much specialized such as pharmaceuticals and engineering firms. Other

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Review of London Docklands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Review of London Docklands - Essay Example LDCC developed a master plan and preferred to depend on the market led redevelopment. . Dockland was very close to the city of London which made it an attractive and preferable for establishment of the office as well as it is possible for residential development on the riverside to accommodate single high income households. The approach that applied to the development of London Dockland Area was clear and simple and it emphasized on attracting investment in that area. The LDCC was formed to develop this area. It is due to the initiative of the LDCC the filling of the old dock was stopped and it became most popular and preferable area for the people to invest. The approach that was followed by the LDCC during redesigning of the Dockland area was to improve the transportation. The development of transportation is considered as the key to the redevelopment of the London Dockland. The tenants of the new office desired more efficient transport facility that will link or connect the area w ith the city. In order to fulfil or satisfy the desire of its potential tenants it focussed more on the development of transportation facilities. The first phase towards the development of the dockland was developing the Dockland Railway links. The developers of Greenwich Peninsula also extended their help and support for redevelopment of the area. In spite of various economic and financial uncertainty and risk, these railway links or connections encourages or motivated the commercial tenants to Canary wharf.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Edict of Milan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Edict of Milan - Essay Example So, direct or implied, the passage of the edict paved way to Art and Architecture with Christian themes. The Latin word Basilica originally referred to a public building in the center of town. The Roman Basilica, which looked like a large roofed hall, was used as a place for transacting business and other legal matters. The hall is divided by columns which made isles and arcade spaces. In these cubicles are the officials and scribes who attend to the transactions. On one or both ends of the hall is a propped up platform called an apse. This is for the seats for the magistrates. Some times, there are even seats for other people to watch the process of the legal activities. These basilicas looked like covered market places (New World Encyclopedia). This was exactly the purpose for the Basilica Porcia in Rome. After the edict, Christians, who now had a new found freedom, decided to build buildings and structures for their worship. Temples, although serves a similar purpose, does not suite the practices that are to be made. Temples for the pagan gods serves mostly as deposit boxes for treasures and figures of the gods. There is also the fact that worship practices are done outside of the temple under the open sky. Constantine I made use of the architectural concept of early Roman basilicas as a template for the grand place of worship. The new basilicas were shaped as long rectangles two stories high, with ranks of arch-headed windows one above the other. They also had a center nave with one isle at each side and an apse at one end. This apse is now known as the altar. The word Basilica had changed after the edict. It then meant as a place of Christian worship or a large church which was given a ceremonial blessing of the Pope (New World Encyclopedia). An example of this would be the Basili ca of Vitale in Italy. From then on, basilicas are no longer associated with commerce or politics but of spiritual refuge. Although the center of the city still houses the business and political district, the church is always found near. In fifteenth century Europe, the plazas of cities are considered the center and on opposite sides of the plaza are the church and the town hall. This maintains the concept of keeping the basilica at the center of the city. The edict of 313 has made a great impact in the architecture and usage of basilicas. But, at present day, both basilica formats are recognized; architectural basilicas are referred to the early Roman version where as the pos-edict basilicas are of the ecclesiastical kind. References: The Edict of Milan: Constantine Augustus and Licinius Augustus. University of Pennsylvania. Accessed: March 31, 2009. . Basilica, New World Encyclop

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

System Analysis and Design 251 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

System Analysis and Design 251 - Essay Example The company requires information management systems, which can flexibly undergo dynamic development to add competitive advantages to businesses. This report project is based on the hypothesis that information technology has the capacity to improve the level of productivity and profits of business enterprises2. The proposed system is expected to conduct comprehensive data processing including order processing, billing, purchases, insurance payments, customer support tasks and processing of payments. The justification of the need for this system is that SC is an extremely busy pharmacy and has many customers, whom it cannot serve adequately without the use of an integrated Information Management System. Purpose of the report The main purpose of this report is to verify the preliminary findings of the manager, and to present the expected resultant benefits that the information management system should bring to SC. It has to present a reliable framework explaining mechanisms through whic h the integrated information management system will assist the process of preparation of prescriptions for various medicines3. Part of its fundamental details will be on how to receive orders from pharmacies and care providers or nursing homes in more advanced methods. The report provides details of operation of automated inventory management modules for medicine stock management4. The report must convince the administration of SC that the system is simpler to use than Excel spreadsheets and MS Access. Finally, the report has details explaining business continuity plan based on how the system will always change to meet its contemporary needs. Structure of the report The report has a major title ‘Integrated Inventory Information Management System’. Under this topic, there are various subtopics addressing the areas of need for this system. The subtopics are as follows: Order Processing Purchase Billing and payment processing Customer service and support The next part of t he report is about the benefits of the system to the operations of businesses in SC. The benefits are presented in summary form as follows: Quick and reliable order processing More reliable billing processes Quick data access and real time processing Advanced System Integration The final section of the report contains the recommendations for further improvements of the system for better functionality in the future. This is one of the most essential needs, which SC administration expects as an outcome of the integrated system. 2. Preliminary findings The report presents the preliminary findings in the following event table: Event Trigger Source Use-Case Response Destination Maintains the records of who pays for the drugs Changes to Data information in regards Care provider Maintain Data information of who pays - - Immediately records information that comes in Newly received orders Client Records the new information - - Organization needs to capture and maintain prescription data New orders coming in Client Records information for prescription - - Produce Case manifests Start of the day - Produce case manifest Case manifest Pharmacist assistant Monthly order reports Monthly Pharmacist Produce order report Report produced Management nursing Home Maintain Drug Information Changes to drug Information Supplier Maintain Drug information - - Points Label for each residents Requests to point labels Pharmacist assist

Monday, September 9, 2019

Marxist Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Marxist Analysis - Essay Example This is not the same case when it comes to the history of economic original sin; it reveals to us that there are people to whom the whole thing is by no means essential. It happened that those in power accumulated wealth, and the subjects had at last nothing to sell other than their skins. Thus, the majority of people are poor despite their labor which is the only thing they have remained with. The few rich are constantly accumulating wealth despite the fact that they stopped working long time ago. This is usually used in defense of their property because in actual history it’s the enslavement, robbery, murder and force that play greater roles. In the records of political economy this idea has been brought about by Karl Marx. In the analysis of the international trade by economists, the Robinson Crusoe figure is taken as the main starting point. He is pictured as a strong, intelligent and diligent individual who through reasoning masters nature. In addition, he is also portrayed as a promoter of slavery, murder, robbery and force. This is because idyllic existed earlier thus; political economy should not be ignored. The contrast between what actually happens in the international economy and the international trade myths in the economics textbooks is as a result of the contrast between the real Robinson Crusoe and the economist’s Robinson Crusoe. The model of a fisherman and a hunter who exchange their mutual profit under conditions of reciprocity, freedom and equality are paradigmatic to non-Marxist international trade theory. International trade should be based upon a division between equals; unfortunately, it is often based on a division between the subordinate and the superior. It’s more of a trade between the colonizer and the colonized, the hinterland and the center, the servant and the master. It’s based upon the division between lower and higher functions as in the relation of capital to labor; one party does the work while the

Online Application Ning - the Platform Allowing Users to Create and Cl Coursework

Online Application Ning - the Platform Allowing Users to Create and Close Their Own Social Network - Coursework Example This critical analysis functions to examine the role of social networking with a variety of diverse populations, arguing that the widespread social adoption of this technology has not simply been a tool to achieve greater efficiency, but is in actuality reshaping and formatting the nature of human culture and consciousness.A television program recently had a comedic skit where the internet went out in a home and the residents had to resort to a box-labeled ‘pre-internet’ – inside the box were a rubber duck, a barbell, and a fake plastic tree. While most of us recognize that there was a lot more going on in pre-internet times than a box full of trinkets, the absurdity of the skit draws one's attention to the fact that one of the great divides of culture, arguably on the scale of the Protestant Reformation, the Industrial Revolution, or even the Renaissance, is the contemporary occurrence of what has been deemed the Digital Age. Having died in 1980 Marshall McLuhan had only glimpsed its genesis when he proclaimed, â€Å"In this electronic age we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information, moving toward the technological extension of consciousness (McLuhan 1967).†With the explosion of Web 2.0 software and the use of social networking sites (SNS), it was certain that professional environments would begin to incorporate the technology. While previous conceptions of computer-mediated communication – video gaming, Facebook use, YouTube – have been characterized as detrimental, the technology is now being reconsidered for its functional value. Many varied corporations have implemented collaborative technology, including Google whose employees hold daily meetings with associates spread throughout the world. One of the most widespread uses of collaborative technology has occurred in education environments. Indeed, certain researchers even argue that this technology is expanding the very nature of the classroom room outside institutional walls.     

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Management Decision Making Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Decision Making - Coursework Example What are some of the drawbacks of having biases? Could there be any advantages to having biases? Explain. What are the implications for decision making? A. Biases may lead to self assumed and irrational analysis of situations thereby resulting into superstitious decisions. When identified and understood, biases may help managers analyse and select various inputs from individuals/groups. Biases tend to limit the thought process of managers thus jeopardising their decision-making skills. A. I would call myself an intuitive thinker. Systematic decision-making approach results in more robust solutions. Whereas, results based on pure intuitions might save on time but can be misleading. Latter approach may, however, prove more creative. Organisations need both A. In today’s world of technological advancements where business has gone borderless and complex, it is humanly not possible to adhere to the conventional model. It is, therefore, economical to simplify the situation using bounded rational model and then follow the steps of rational model for making decisions which can give fine solutions, if not optimal. A. Good managers make bad decisions when they let their personal biases uncontrolled or restrict their decision making skills because of organisation’s culture. Identifying and controlling biases, staying focused on objectives, overcoming inertia against change, and staying on guard against ‘Yes Man’ trap are few ways to improve decision making

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Disscuss the relevance of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to a Essay - 1

Disscuss the relevance of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to a company seeking to evaluate its cost of capital - Essay Example The market risk or systematic risk is the unavoidable risk brought in by the economy wide perils (Brealy et al, 2005). The CAPM’s focus is on the method of measuring systematic risk and its effect on the required return and share prices. Though it was initially evolved for investment in equity, it is also used for evaluating company investments in capital projects now (Davis & Pain, 2002). Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) attempts to bring out a linkage between risk and return for the assets (Gitman,2006). The CAPM is built on the premise that well diversified investors dominate the stock market and their paramount concern being the market risk. The assumption is plausible in a situation in which large institutions and small investors can diversify at a low cost (Brealy et al, 2007). The CAPM builds on the proposition that additional risk requires a higher return. This return has two components: (1) what may be earned on a risk-free asset, such as a U.S. Treasury bill, plus (2) a premium for bearing risk. Since unsystematic risk is reduced through diversification, a stock’s risk premium is the additional return required to bear the non-diversifiable, systematic risk associated with the stock (Mayo 2007). The key input for the CAPM is therefore the excess return of the market over the risk free rate, which is the market (equity) risk premium. The practice adopted commonly has been to apply the historical average return over a long period as a measure of what investors expect to earn. As a substitute for the market portfolio, a broad equity market index is applied. Ke is the cost of equity capital, Rf is the risk free rate of return usually measured by the rate of return on US treasury securities, Rm is the market return of a diversified portfolio and I is the Beta co-efficient of the firm’s portfolio. The beta coefficient shows the volatility of the stock relative to that of an average stock. If it is 0.5, it is half as

Friday, September 6, 2019

Shakespeares linguistic choices Essay Example for Free

Shakespeares linguistic choices Essay How effective are Shakespeares linguistic choices in conveying the power struggle between Katherine and Petruchio?  This essay will study the text The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare. It is a play written in London in 1592 and published in 1623. The play is set during the Jacobean era (1420-1600). The purpose of the play is to entertain an audience. The secondary purpose may be to inform a modern audience about power and roles of men and women in the Jacobean era. During this period of time, a persons power was shown by the language they used, so the more quick-witted and articulate a person was in conversation the more social power they held. Shakespeare uses various linguistic features in conveying the power struggle between Katherine and Petruchio. Throughout the play Petruchio belittles Katherine and damages the face she presents of herself in an effort to tame the shrew. Kath. A joint-stool. Pet. Thou hast hit it. Come, sit on me. The face that Katherine presents is not that of a typical woman. She is very vituperative and unwilling to conform to societys expectations of marriage. And by using this sexual innuendo to counter her insult, Petruchio performs a face threatening act. He reminds her of his intent to marry her and the fact that to him, she is just another woman. The utterance Come, sit on me, is an imperative. By using this Petruchio is suggesting that he feels he has enough power over her to be able to order her around. This damages her positive face of self-image, but she counters this insult in an effort to preserve her face. Kath. No such jade as you, if me you mean. The noun jade refers to a worn out horse. This connotes he is infertile and thus insulting his manhood. This insult is also a face-threatening act as it damages Petruchios positive face. He thinks he is man enough to be the one to tame the shrew but by saying this Katherine is telling him he is not. Both characters use face threatening acts to attempt to gain power of the exchange. Petruchio also uses connotation to damage Katherines face. Pet. Alas, good Kate, I will not burden thee! For, knowing thee to be but young and light. The adjective light connotes sexual promiscuity again reminding her that he sees her as a woman he can easily woo contrasting with the strong women she sees herself as. The adjective young connotes that she is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and therefore not able to match his wit, allowing Petruchio power over the exchange. Petruchio uses a pun to make fun of Katherine. Pet. For dainties are all Kates. The pun is on the word cates. These are a form of delicate food. This connotes the idea that Kate is delicate and lady-like. This riles Katherine as, as well as using the name that she does not like he is seeing her as the opposite she sees herself and by seeing through her faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade he knows how to gain power over her. The repetition of her name also serves to make fun of her. Pet. You lie in faith, for you are calld plain Kate, And bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst; By repeating her name in these noun phrases he is showing he doesnt care that she does not like the name, and shows that her sharp tongue has no affect on him, allowing him to maintain the power between them, and eventually to tame the shrew. The repetition of her name also gives the utterance a steady rhythm which serves to make Petruchio seem more intelligent as he seems to have control of his speech and words. Katherine uses metaphor to insult Petruchios intelligence. Kath. Asses are made to bear and so are you. The ass is typically seen as a stupid animal so this noun is suggesting that he is stupid. The verb phrase to bear which means to carry something, connotes the idea that Petruchio is little more than muscle. This gives Katherine the power of the exchange as it is in fact Petruchios intelligence that makes them equal and by insulting this she is suggesting that he is inferior. She also reminds him of the fact that she is equal to him in intelligence and power. Kath. Too light for such a swain as you to catch. Katherine turns the adjective light around to connote that she is more quick-witted than Petruchio, whereas he had used it to say she was sexually promiscuous. This shows that they are of equal power and are able to feed off of each other to maintain the power balance. In contrast Petruchio tries to use compliments to break Katherine down. Pet. Say that she frown, Ill say she looks as clear as morning roses newly washd with dew. Say she be mute and will not speak a word, then Ill commend her volubility. The lexical fields of nature give the play a lexical cohesion. The noun nightingale and the phrase roses newly washd with dew are things that are generally seen as beautiful and by comparing Katherine to them, Petruchio is suggesting that she is also beautiful. This makes it seem as though he sees in her, things that nobody else can see and as he can see through her he can stay on her conversational level and maintain the power balance. The use of the infinitive verb in these sentences is a form of ellipsis. Say she be mute. This is another form of covert prestige as Petruchio uses non-standard forms whereas Katherina is expected to use standard forms and correct tenses. This again shows, according to Jacobean society men were more dominant than women and suggests Petruchio is confident that he will have power in the exchange.